A range of programs from compliance to best practice, tailored for each organisation to improve business outcomes by strengthening skills and practice. Offered both through interactive webinars and face-to-face.
Our leaders define and drive our workplace cultures so supporting them to to this well is essential. We tailor your Leadership Development Programs to your participant's needs - focusing on communication to leading positive cultures, relationship building and constructive communication skills - together with conflict competencies to manage and resolve conflict. Our bespoke Leadership Development programs are offered flexibly and supported with webinars, online programs and interactive technologies to enable accessibility and optimise on participation. We can also incorporate group and personal assessment and feedback processes into these programs.
A Constructive Communication style and approach makes the difference between collaboration and conflict and can be easily overlooked and undervalued in workplaces where the focus is on speed and efficiency. This program works on enhancing participant's self-awareness, insight into their impact on others and to develop techniques to manage their own and others communication style and patterns that promote collaborative practices. The Constructive communication training can be delivered as one or two day program.
Regular refresher and updates of the workplace code of conduct remains a touchstone of productive workplace cultures and essential given the dynamic nature of workplace practices and technologies and corresponding risks. Our code of conduct programs are framed within a Diversity and Inclusion context that promote mutual respect and collaboration. We offer bespoke programs for managers and employees in blended formats that clearly articulate the rights, responsibilities, support services and expectations for everyone in the workplace.
The aim of this training program is to be able to understand the reasons and risks for both individuals and business that are inherent in workplace conflict, to explore the processes and support available and to present two effective resolution models to appropriately resolve it. In this full day tailored program participants will learn to recognise early indicators of deteriorating workplace relationships, how to initiate appropriate responses to workplace conflict and disputes, review key communication frameworks in the workplace, explore two conflict resolution models and understand the resolution strategies available s to resolve each conflict or dispute.
This tailored training program provides participants with a consistent, collaborative and efficient framework for building constructive relationships with their teams and colleagues. In this full day program the participants define personal leadership goals and discuss approaches to enhancing individual performance and explore strategies and factors negatively impacting performance. Participants are provided with and learn to apply a coaching model, develop their questioning techniques to encourage improved performance in individuals and teams, prepared for challenging performance discussions and practice by coaching others in the session.
While employees are frequently trained in how to give feedback to others they are rarely trained in how to receive feedback themselves so that the interaction can frequently result in poorly prepared and received responses. Consistent with the aims of a flexible and learning organisational culture, this programThe aim of this program is to provide participants with understanding as to the personal and professional benefits of receiving feedback and to enhance their skills to positively respond to it. In this program participants learn to grow from feedback, prepare for challenging feedback and are provided with frameworks for both constructively receiving feedback and for eliciting feedback from others.
We can be exposed to workplace environments with people, actions or behaviours that we may disagree with and situations where we need to be able to carefully control our own responses in order to positively influence others. As physical aggression can be predicted it can also be avoided by learning to detect the cues and maintain personal safety. This tailored training program will develop and enhance the participant's capacity to manage their own emotions, to maintain clear thought processes and sublimate stress so as to keep them thinking with the pre-frontal cortex and their ability to safely respond to confronting behaviours in their workplace. The full day program will provide participants with the tools, techniques and a process for understanding and managing confronting behaviour through the key steps of Self Awareness, self Control and Awareness of Others.
Leaders are effectively the custodians of workplace culture and need to be able to promote and model the positive behaviours consistent with high performing workplaces and the preferred business practices. This tailored training program will provide an update of current workplace standards, identify your role in creating a positive and safe workplace culture, share the risks and challenges in your workplace and explore inclusive leadership. The one day program provides participants with tools that assist them to identify and develop their professional and organisational values.
We recognise that when handled in a respectful way conflict provides an opportunity for growth at the personal and organisational level. When people effectively manage interpersonal conflict, they are clear about the other person's perspective on the situation and their needs. They think before they act and make considered choices. This training program enhances participants key conflict resolution skills including effective elicitation, applying a process to manage multiple parties in a dispute situation and negotiating and facilitating a solution. In doing so provides participants with mediation skill development to effectively manage conflict safely and respectfully.