Bespoke, intensive one on one programs to develop individual capability that optimise business outcomes. Our programs may include 360 benchmarking assessment tools to measure skills and competencies.
Unlike other forms of workplace coaching - conflict coaching is used with an individual in conflict to identify their triggers, assumptions and expression and raise awareness of their their personal contributions to the conflict. This type of coaching is very effective in interpersonal conflict as it encourages the individual to focus on mutuality - the other person's perspective - rather that just their own.
This coaching process is used to develop an individual's insight and confidence following a formal investigation process or in returning to their role to achieve their potential, after a workplace incident. This type of coaching program takes time and focuses on rebuilding a positive and constructive approach to the workplace, supporting the individual to prepare for returning to the workplace and developing resilience techniques.
This coaching program is future focussed and works with individuals to identify the key areas of change in their workplace and the key challenges for them in achieving that change. This assists individuals to recognise their own strengths and impediments to change and results in them developing personal action plans and techniques to respond constructively to change.